============================================================ HyperNewt 2.0 Quick Guide Last Update: September 1, 1997 Copyright (c) 1997. Foundation Systems. All Rights Reserved. ============================================================ ================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= i. Documentation ii. Cost & Registering iii. Contact Information 1. Welcome to HyperNewt! 1A. Introduction 1B. Overview of Features 2. Installing HyperNewt 2A. System Requirements 2B. Installation 2C. Setting up HyperNewt 2D. Opening HyperNewt 3. Using HyperNewt's Hierarchical Filing System 3A. What is a Hierarchical Filing Systems? 3B. Uses of an HFS on the Newton 3C. Creating new items 3D. Creating new folders 3E. Navigating through the HyperNewt HFS 3F. The HyperNewt Toolbar 4. Using HyperLinks 4A. What is a HyperLink? 4B. Uses of HyperLinks 4C. List of applications supported by HyperNewt 4D. Creating HyperLinks 4E. Displaying HyperLinks 5. File Management 5A. Selecting Items 5B. Moving Items 5C. Duplicating Items 5D. Deleting Items 5E. Timestamping Items 5F. Selecting Folders 5G. Moving Folders 5H. Duplicating Folders 5I. Deleting Folders 5J. Creating Folder Aliases 5K. Renaming Folders 5L. Getting Folder Information 5M. Changing the Sort Order 6. Personalizing HyperNewt 6A. HyperNewt is Configurable 6B. Using the Preferences Screen 6C. General Preferences 6D. Display Preferences 6E. Recents Preferences 6F. Resizing the overview 6G. Showing and Hiding the Toolbar 7. HyperNewt Utilities 7A. Add Info to Notes 7B. Remove Info from Notes 7C. Move Notes to Root 7D. Remove HyperLinks 7E. Find Lost Items 7F. Information 8. Developer API 8A. The HyperLink Manager API 9. Troubleshooting -------==============================================================------- ---=== ADMINISTRIVIA ===--- -------==============================================================------- ============================== ---=== i. DOCUMENTATION ===--- ============================== Full documentation for HyperNewt in HTML format and PDF format is available. You can download the documentation from the Foundation Systems web site: http://www.tow.com/ Items bracketed by a series of *'s: "*************************************************************************" are important items to note in the documentation. Pay close attention to these items to reduce problems and confusion when using HyperNewt. ===================================== ---=== ii. COST & REGISTRATION ===--- ===================================== HyperNewt costs: $49.95 Upgrades are free for users of HyperNewt 1.0 You can pay for HyperNewt using the following methods: o Pay by check, cash, international postal order, or money order Foundation Systems' address below. o Register on the web with KAGI and your credit card for US$50: https://order.kagi.com/?X1&S (Secure connection) http://order.kagi.com/?X1 (unsecure connection) HyperNewt requires NewtonID for registration. Be sure to provide us with your NewtonID owner name so that we can generate your personal registration code. NewtonID is a framework designed to simplify and standardize software registration on the Newton. For all of the facts on NewtonID, please visit the NewtonID web page at: http://www.tow.com/newton/newtonid/newtonid.html So, when registering, send us your NewtonID. For example: NewtonID Owner Name: "John Smith" HW Serial Number: "0000 0000 A9F4 167B" ====================================== ---=== iii. CONTACT INFORMATION ===--- ====================================== Foundation Systems would love to hear from you about your experiences with HyperNewt. Bug reports, feature requests, or just mail to say hello are greatly appreciated. You can contact us in many ways: Foundation Systems PO Box 2330 Stanford, CA 94309-2330, USA email: support@tow.com http://www.tow.com/ Foundation Systems is committed to creating synergy in the Newton community. -------==============================================================------- ---=== 1. WELCOME TO HYPERNEWT ===--- -------==============================================================------- 1A. Introduction 1B. Overview of Features ============================== ---=== 1A. INTRODUCTION ===--- ============================== This guide introduces you to the HyperNewt application from Foundation Systems. HyperNewt is a revolutionary new way to create and organize data on your Newton. Its intuitive interface, flexible data management controls, and powerful linking capabilities make HyperNewt your NewtonÕs new window to information. If you are new to the Newton, you will find HyperNewt to be easy to learn and use. HyperNewt leverages on a file and folder metaphor that you may be used to from a desktop computer. HyperLinks are similar to aliases or shortcuts on your desktop computer. If you are an experienced Newton user, HyperNewt may begin to change your relationship with data on your Newton. HyperNewt leverages on the NewtonÕs soup data architecture, allowing access to virtually all types of data through HyperLinks, and the ability to organize data hierarchically. HyperNewt gives you the flexibility and power to arrange your information around meaningful relations. ====================================== ---=== 1B. OVERVIEW OF FEATURES ===--- ====================================== With HyperNewt, you can: o Organize your notes hierarchically using a familiar filing system metaphor. HyperNewt supports dragging and dropping of files, folder aliases, and more! o Link data from all the built-in appsÑNames, Calls, Extras Drawer, Dates, To Do, NewtWorks, Notes, and the In/Out Box, and 3rd-party software into HyperNewtÕs filing system. o Have a central launching pad for all your applications and files.HyperNewt can be an excellent choice for your backdrop application. o Keep track of every detail of an important business project in a single location: contacts, spreadsheets, word processing documents, meetings, applications, calls, notes, travel itineraries, and expenses! -------==============================================================------- ---=== 2. INSTALLING HYPERNEWT ===--- -------==============================================================------- 2A. System Requirements 2B. Installation 2C. Setting up HyperNewt 2D. Opening HyperNewt ===================================== ---=== 2A. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ===--- ===================================== HyperNewt requires the following for proper operation: o A Newton device running the Newton 2.0 operating system or later. o Adequate storage spaceÑHyperNewt approximately 120K; keep in mind that you will need additional space for any data you create with HyperNewt. ============================== ---=== 2B. INSTALLATION ===--- ============================== ************************************************************************* If you have installed and used HyperNewt 1.0, you will need to delete the HyperNewt 1.0 preferences. Use a soup utility application such as TrashPak to remove the HyperNewt system preference file. ************************************************************************* If the HyperNewt software is not already installed on your Newton device, you will need to install it on your Newton device or onto a PC card. To do this, you use connection software or a utility that can install Newton software packagesÑsuch as the Newton Connection Utilities or Newton Backup Utility. The HyperNewt software consists of one package: o HyperNewt.pkg Follow the instructions that came with your connection software to install HyperNewt on your Newton device. Once installed, the HyperNewt application will be placed in the Unfiled folder in the Extras Drawer. ====================================== ---=== 2C. SETTING UP HYPERNEWT ===--- ====================================== If HyperNewt is being installed on your Newton for the first time, HyperNewt will have to setup your Newton to operate properly. The HyperNewt will install the following items when you first load HyperNewt: o HyperNewt Preferences o Notes indexes: HyperNewt will add five indexes to the Notes soup that will help HyperNewt keep track of the directory structure and allow you to sort information based on title, date, and stationery type.. o HyperLink Managers (HLM): Default HLMÕs for the following applications: Calls Card Media (Sine of the Times) Cigar Box (Catamount Software) Dates Extras Drawer Gulliver (True North) Home Inventory (Catamount Software) In/Out Box MORGAN (Catamount Software) Names Newton Books NewtWorks Notes Stationery Construction Kit (StandAlone, Inc.) To Do List After installing the following items on your Newton, HyperNewt will ask you if you want to create HyperNewt folders based on your Notepad folders. Tapping on yes will: 1. Create HyperNewt directories based on your current Notepad folders 2. Add HyperNewt-specific information to each Note in your Notes soup and place each note in the proper HyperNewt folder. If you have a large number of notes, this process may take a few minutes. Tapping on no will not update any notes in your Notes soup and will not create any directories. ************************************************************************* While HyperNewt uses the Notes soup to store new notes and HyperLinks, it will not display any note that does not have the HyperNewt-specific directory information. You can always add this information to notes at a later date from the HyperNewt Utilities menu. ************************************************************************* =================================== ---=== 2D. OPENING HYPERNEWT ===--- =================================== After installing HyperNewt, there are two ways to open it: 1. Tap on the HyperNewt icon in the Extras Drawer 2. Tap on HyperNewt's floating icon in the upper-right hand corner. Opening HyperNewt, you will be greeted by either the default view (the view in which you create and edit notes) or the Overview (where you see a listing of notes). -------==============================================================------- ---=== 3. USING HYPERNEWT'S HIERARCHICAL FILING SYSTEM ===--- -------==============================================================------- 3A. What is a Hierarchical Filing Systems? 3B. Uses of an HFS on the Newton 3C. Creating new items 3D. Creating new folders 3E. Navigating through the HyperNewt HFS 3F. The HyperNewt Toolbar ======================================================= ---=== 3A. WHAT IS A HIERARCHICAL FILING SYSTEM? ===--- ======================================================= A Hierarchical Filing Systems (HFS) is commonly referred to as "folders within folders". On the Macintosh, it is best represented by the Finder on Macintosh computers and on Windows-based PC's, it is represented by the Explorer application. ============================================== ---=== 3B. USES OF AN HFS ON THE NEWTON ===--- ============================================== One of the great features of the Newton is that it doesn't have a filing system in the traditional sense. Rather, Newton's filing system most closely resembles that of a database. Data in the Notes, Calls, Names, etc. applications are filed away in "folders" which resemble database tags more than they do the traditional folder of a desktop computer. Most Newton applications store their data in individual soups that other applications can use. Compare this with the problems of data conversion and translation on the desktop and you can see the benefits of the Newton's soup data architecture. HyperNewt leverages on this architecture by layering a Hierarchical Filing System on top of the Notes soup. Data is still stored in the Notes soup, but now each note has HyperNewt-specific information associated with it, information that tells HyperNewt where the note is in the HFS. An HFS should not replace the standard filing system on the Newton, but it can be used to enhance the capabilities of the Newton. Out of the box, the Newton can only create a total of 24 folders for its applications, 12 global folders (present in all applications) and 12 local folders (folders that are visible only in a given application). You cannot have subfolders within these folders, making data organization a tricky process. The problem of a limited amount of folders and the inability to have "folders within folders" is one that is solved with HyperNewt's HFS for the Newton. And, with HyperLinks, the HyperNewt's HFS system can handle any type of data on the Newton. A user can have Names, Calls, Dates, Notes, Spreadsheets, and more viewable in the same folder! Below are some examples of what is now possible with HyperNewt's HFS for the Newton: a. Infinite. Any number of folders and subfolders can be created. b. Better data organization. Now, users can create subfolders of their Business folder to keep track of: Projects, Meetings, Presentations, Contacts, and Travel Notes. c. Visual. HyperNewt's HFS is visual, meaning a user can instantly see she is in the directory hierarchy. Users see at once the list of directories and items, can easily move from folder to folder, and perform data management operations such as alias creation, file duplication, and file deletion. d. Data can be sorted by stationery type, date, or title. ==================================== ---=== 3C. CREATING NEW ITEMS ===--- ==================================== HyperNewt closely resembles the Notepad in functionality. To create a new note, checklist, outline, recording, or other notepad stationery, tap on the New button and select the type of stationery you would like to create. New items will be placed in the current directory. ====================================== ---=== 3D. CREATING NEW FOLDERS ===--- ====================================== Tap on the New button and select "Folder" from the list of items. The New Directory Dialog Box will open, allowing you name the new directory and change the default sort order. ====================================================== ---=== 3E. NAVIGATING THROUGH THE HYPERNEWT HFS ===--- ====================================================== Tap on the folder name to go to that folder. Tap on an item's name to open that item for editing. ************************************************************************* Tapping on a folder or item's icon will signal to HyperNewt that you are dragging and dropping the item. To open a folder or an item, you must tap on its name from the overview, not its icon. ************************************************************************* To go up one directory in the directory overview, you have three options: 1. Tap on the directory picker at the top of the directory overview (where you have a list of directories). A menu will appear showing the parent directory path. Choose an item to go to that directory. 2. Up One Directory button: Below the directory picker is a button for moving one level up in the hierarchy. It is has an icon with an up arrow in the folder, next to two periods ".." 3. Directory Pathname: This is explained in the section on the HyperNewt toolbar. Tap on the directory pathname to get the HyperNewt Goto Directory Dialog Box. If you are in the default view, you have the following options: 1. Tap on the folder tab for the current directory at the top-right of your screen. A menu will appear containing the parent directory path, followed by a listing of directories (if any) of the current directory. Choose an item to go to that directory. 2. Directory pathname. If the HyperNewt toolbar is visible, tap on the pathname to get the Goto Dialog Box. 3. Tap on the overview button to go to the Directory Overview. ======================================= ---=== 3F. The HyperNewt Toolbar ===--- ======================================= The HyperNewt toolbar makes navigation in the overview and default view simple and fast. The HyperNewt toolbar consists of the following items: 1. Directory Pathname: This will show you where you are in HyperNewt's directory structure at all times. As you move through directories, the text string will change to reflect the directory path you are currently in. Tap on the text to bring up the HyperNewt Goto Directory Dialog Box where you can easily jump to another directory. 2. Navigation Buttons: Seven buttons make navigating through your notes and HyperLinks a breeze. The buttons are from left to right: a. Goto Beginning: Takes you to the first note in the current directory. b. Goto End: Takes you to the last note in the current directory. c. Previous Note: Takes you to the previous note in the current directory. d. Next Note: Takes you to the next note in the current directory. e. Scroll Up: Scrolls the display up by 50 pixels. f. Scroll Up: Scrolls the display down by 50 pixels. g. Overview: Switches between the default view and the overview. If you are left-handed, the navigation buttons will appear on the left-hand side of the display for an easier reach and the directory pathname will appear on the right. Otherwise, the navigation buttonbar will appear on the right and the directory pathname will be on the left. You can hide the toolbar by tapping on the Info button and selecting the menu item: "Hide Toolbar". Show it by tapping again on the Info button and selected the item: "Show Toolbar". -------==============================================================------- ---=== 4. USING HYPERLINKS ===--- -------==============================================================------- 4A. What is a HyperLink? 4B. Uses of HyperLinks 4C. List of applications supported by HyperNewt 4D. Creating HyperLinks 4E. Displaying HyperLinks ====================================== ---=== 4A. WHAT IS A HYPERLINK? ===--- ====================================== A HyperLink is a notepad stationery that contains a link to some piece of information stored on the Newton. This information might be a name card, a call, a NewtWorks word processing document, a QuickFigure Works spreadsheet, a Gulliver itinerary, or a Newton Book page number. In fact virtually data that can be beamed, printed, routed, or emailed on your Newton can be HyperLinked! ==================================== ---=== 4B. USES OF HYPERLINKS ===--- ==================================== Imagine being able to have, in one folder, all the information associated with an important business project you are working on: contacts, meeting notes, presentation outlines, spreadsheets, travel plans, and fax items. With HyperLinks this is finally possible. HyperLinks allow you to be able to access a file from multiple folders. All you have to do is duplicate a HyperLink and move it to another folder! When you have the ability to link any piece of data on your Newton into a central location, will that change your relationship with data? The possibilities are endless ... how will you use HyperLinks? ============================================================= ---=== 4C. LIST OF APPLICATIONS SUPPORTED BY HYPERNEWT ===--- ============================================================= There are 13 HyperLink Managers that HyperNewt supports out of the box: Calls Cigar Box (Catamount Software) Dates Extras Drawer Gulliver (True North) Home Inventory (Catamount Software) In/Out Box MORGAN (Catamount Software) Names NewtWorks Newton Books Notepad To Do List In addition, HyperNewt supports HyperLinks with the following products: CardMedia (Sine of the Times) Stationery Construction Kit (StandAlone, Inc.) ===================================== ---=== 4D. CREATING HYPERLINKS ===--- ===================================== Creating HyperLinks is simple. Go to the entry that you want to HyperLink and select HyperLink from the routing menu. The HyperLink Dialog Box will appear. Select the directory in which you want to place the HyperLink and tap on the "Create HyperLink" button. Some applications require some extra consideration. They are outlined below: o Extras Drawer: Built-in applications and frozen applications cannot be HyperLinked. We are investigating ways to HyperLink these types of files in the Extras Drawer. o Newton Books: HyperLinking within Newton Books creates HyperLinks to the current page in the book. Now you can have an infinite number of bookmarks! o Dates: HyperLinking in the Month, Day, Agenda, or Year view will create a HyperLink that opens up to the correct view. HyperLinking meetings, to do's, and other events will work normally. Now you can have HyperLinked entries to jump to a particular month or day in Dates! o In/Out Box: Some HyperLinked entries will not have the correct title visible. You may have to edit the title yourself. ======================================= ---=== 4E. DISPLAYING HYPERLINKS ===--- ======================================= Go to the directory where your HyperLinks are located. Tap on them from the overview to open them in the correct application. HyperNewt will close automatically to save memory when the HyperLink's application opens. -------==============================================================------- ---=== 5. FILE MANAGEMENT ===--- -------==============================================================------- 5A. Selecting Items 5B. Moving Items 5C. Duplicating Items 5D. Deleting Items 5E. Timestamping Items 5F. Selecting Folders 5G. Moving Folders 5H. Duplicating Folders 5I. Deleting Folders 5J. Creating Folder Aliases 5K. Renaming Folders 5L. Getting Folder Information 5M. Changing the Sort Order ================================= ---=== 5A. SELECTING ITEMS ===--- ================================= Go to the overview. If you are in the default view, tap on the overview button on the button bar or on the HyperNewt toolbar. Select the items by tapping on the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the item overview. Tap them again to deselect them. ============================== ---=== 5B. MOVING ITEMS ===--- ============================== There are two ways to move items: 1. Select the items that you want to move. Tap on the filing button on the status bar. The Move Dialog Box will appear allowing you to move the selected items to any directory in the HyperNewt hierarchy. The Move Dialog Box will also let you move the items between the internal store and other storage medium like PC Memory Cards. Tap on the "New Folder" button to create a new folder in the current directory. Tap on the Move button to complete the move or tap on the closebox to cancel the move. ************************************************************************* If you have More Folders from StandAlone, Inc. installed on your Newton, tapping on the filing button will not bring up the Move Dialog Box. The solution right now is to freeze More Folders before you use HyperNewt. ************************************************************************* 2. Tap on the stationery icon of the item that you want to move. You will hear the selection sound when you have tapped on the icon. Drag it to the folder in which you want the item to go. You can drag an item on top of the Up One Directory icon to move it up one directory. ************************************************************************* Dragging and Dropping of items currently does not work with multiple selected items. Dragging an item while other items are selected will only move the dragged item. ************************************************************************* =================================== ---=== 5C. DUPLICATING ITEMS ===--- =================================== You can duplicate items from either the default view or the overview. In each, select or go to the item that you want to duplicate and tap on the routing button. Choose "Duplicate" from the popup menu to duplicate the item. ================================ ---=== 5D. DELETING ITEMS ===--- ================================ You can delete items from either the default view or the overview. In each, select or go to the item that you want to duplicate and tap on the routing button. Choose "Delete" from the popup menu to delete the item. ==================================== ---=== 5E. TIMESTAMPING ITEMS ===--- ==================================== Timestamp updates an entry's creation date to the current time on your Newton. Select the entry or entries that you want to update and choose the "Timestamp" item from the routing menu. =================================== ---=== 5F. SELECTING FOLDERS ===--- =================================== Go to the folder overview. If you are in the default view, tap on the overview button on the button bar or on the HyperNewt toolbar. Select the folders by tapping on the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the folder overview. Tap them again to deselect them. ================================ ---=== 5G. MOVING FOLDERS ===--- ================================ There are two ways to move folders: 1. Select the folders that you want to move. Tap on the directory action button and choose the "Move" menu item. The Move Dialog Box will appear allowing you to move the selected folders to any directory in the HyperNewt hierarchy. The Move Dialog Box will also let you move the folders between the internal store and other storage medium like PC Memory Cards. Tap on the "New Folder" button to create a new folder in the current directory. Tap on the Move button to complete the move or tap on the closebox to cancel the move. 2. Tap on the folder icon of the folder that you want to move. You will hear the selection sound when you have tapped on the icon. Drag it to the folder in which you want the folder to go. You can drag an folder on top of the Up One Directory icon to move it up one directory. ************************************************************************* Dragging and Dropping of folders currently does not work with multiple selected items. Dragging a folder while other folders are selected will only move the dragged folder. ************************************************************************* ===================================== ---=== 5H. DUPLICATING FOLDERS ===--- ===================================== Select the folder or folders that you want to duplicate. Tap on the folder action button and select "Duplicate Folder". HyperNewt will make a duplicate copy of the folder everything in it, subfolders and items. ================================== ---=== 5I. DELETING FOLDERS ===--- ================================== Select the folder or folders that you want to delete. Tap on the folder action button and select "Delete". HyperNewt will ask you whether or not you want to delete the selected folders. ************************************************************************* Deleting folders will delete ALL subfolders and files. Folder Aliases, however, will not be followed, though the aliases themselves will be deleted. ************************************************************************* ========================================= ---=== 5J. CREATING FOLDER ALIASES ===--- ========================================= Select the folder or folders that you want to create aliases for. Tap on the folder action button and select "Alias" to create folder aliases for the selected items. ================================== ---=== 5K. RENAMING FOLDERS ===--- ================================== You can change a folder or folder alias's name in two ways: 1. Go to the folder that you want to rename. Tap on the folder information button at the top of the folder overview (the button marked by an "i" in a circle). The folder dialog box will appear. Change the name and close the overview to save your changes. 2. Select the folder whose name you want to change in the folder overview. Tap on the folder action button and select the menu item "Rename". A dialog will appear for you to change the name of the folder. ============================================ ---=== 5L. GETTING FOLDER INFORMATION ===--- ============================================ Go to the folder that you want to get information from. Move to the Overview if you are in the default view by tapping on the Overview button. Tap on the Folder Info button at the top of the Folder Overview, to the right of the folder picker. A dialog box will appear, allow you to change the name of the folder and the current sort order. ========================================= ---=== 5M. CHANGING THE SORT ORDER ===--- ========================================= Go to the folder that you want to change the sort order. You can change the sort order of items in that folder using two methods: 1. Tap on the sort button on the status bar and choose what sort order you want. 2. Open the folder information dialog box by tapping on the folder information button in the folder directory view. Change the sort order using the Sort label picker. When you change the sort order, HyperNewt will rebuild the items overview using the new sort order. You can sort items in three ways in HyperNewt: 1. Date: Date which the entry of hyperlink was created. 2. Title: The title that you have given an entry 3. Stationery: The type of stationery the entry is: Note, Checklist, etc. -------==============================================================------- ---=== 6. PERSONALIZING HYPERNEWT ===--- -------==============================================================------- 6A. HyperNewt is Configurable 6B. Using the Preferences Screen 6C. General Preferences 6D. Display Preferences 6E. Recents Preferences 6F. Resizing the overview 6G. Showing and Hiding the Toolbar =========================================== ---=== 6A. HYPERNEWT IS CONFIGURABLE ===--- =========================================== ============================================== ---=== 6B. USING THE PREFERENCES SCREEN ===--- ============================================== Tap on the Info button and choose "Prefs" to display the HyperNewt Preferences screen. There will be three buttons: General, Display, and Recents. Tap on each of the button to display the desired preferences screen. ===================================== ---=== 6C. GENERAL PREFERENCES ===--- ===================================== 1. Always store new files internally: Store all new notes and HyperLinks on the internal store. 2. Always store new folder internally: Store all new directories on the internal store. 3. Show tips on startup: Show a series of helpful hints about using HyperNewt on every startup. 4. Display notes using the Notepad application: You can have HyperNewt display notes using the built-in Notes application. If you have a Notes enhancement tool such as SuperNotepad from StandAlone, Inc. and would like to view and edit notes using SNP, check this option. Otherwise, items opened from the items overview will be viewed with HyperNewt's built-in data browser. 5. Open header slip when creating new notes: Opens the header slip so you can quickly enter the title of new note. ************************************************************************* If your directory's sort order has been set to anything other than sorting by date, checking this option might lead to some unexpected results. The title slip for an entry other than the new entry might be opened. If your directories are set to sort by date, this problem will not occur. ************************************************************************* ===================================== ---=== 6D. DISPLAY PREFERENCES ===--- ===================================== You can configure a number of display options in HyperNewt: 1. Left-handed. This changes HyperNewt into left-handed mode. The scrollers for the folder overview will shift to the left side, the resize overview button will move to the left and the HyperNewt toolbar will reorient itself for left-handed control. 2. Display universal HyperNewt button: This displays a floating HyperNewt icon in the upper-right hand corner of your Newton at every restart and everytime HyperNewt is closed. You can drag this button around to anywhere on the screen and it will remember its position. Tappin on the folder icon will open up HyperNewt. 3. Display notepad buttons. if HyperNewt is not you backdrop application, you may still want to use some of the tools associated with the Notepad application. Checking this checkbox will add any extensions that add items to the Notepad's button bar. ************************************************************************* If HyperNewt is your background app, the value of this preference will be ignored and only buttons registered to the backdrop application will be added to HyperNewt's status bar. ************************************************************************* 4. Use short titles in overview: When displaying entries, HyperNewt will only display the value from the title slot of each note, checklist, HyperLink, etc. If no title exists, we display the standard title for the entry. 5. Overview displays: The items overview can display two lines of text or just a single line. One line will be able to fit more information in the items overview while two lines gives some additional information to the user. 6. HyperLink style: Users can change the style with which HyperLinks are displayed in the items overview. Choose between Plain, Bold, Italic Bold Italic, Underline, and Bold Underline. ===================================== ---=== 6E. RECENTS PREFERENCES ===--- ===================================== HyperNewt can keep track of recently visited items and folders automatically for you. HyperNewt can track up to 10 folders, 10 items, and 10 HyperLinks. Choose from the pickers the number of recent items you want HyperNewt to keep track of for you. The recent items are stored even when the application is closed. Checking the "Clear recents list when HyperNewt closes" will erase the recents list everytime HyperNewt is closed. This will free up the small amount of memory needed to keep track of the recent items when HyperNewt is closed. If the "Keep track of recently visited items" is checked, the Recents button will appear next to the Sort button in the overview or the New button in the default view. Unchecking this option will cause the Recents button to disappear from the status bar. ======================================= ---=== 6F. RESIZING THE OVERVIEW ===--- ======================================= You can resize the size of the folder and item overviews to see more folders or more items. The directory overview resize button is located at the bottom of the folder overview. Depending on the setting of the left-handed preference, it will be on either the bottom right or bottom left side of the folder overview. Tap on the button and drag it to the desired location. The folder and item overviews will automatically update to the new size. ============================================= ---=== 6G. SHOW AND HIDING THE TOOLBAR ===--- ============================================= You can hide the toolbar by tapping on the Info button and selecting the menu item: "Hide Toolbar". Show it by tapping again on the Info button and selected the item: "Show Toolbar". -------==============================================================------- ---=== 7. HYPERNEWT UTILITIES ===--- -------==============================================================------- 7A. Add Info to Notes 7B. Remove Info from Notes 7C. Move Notes to Root 7D. Remove HyperLinks 7E. Find Lost Items 7F. Information HyperNewt has a number of utilities to manage its data. Tap on the Info button and select "HyperNewt Utilities" to bring up the Utilities Dialog Box. The following data management functions are available: =================================== ---=== 7A. ADD INFO TO NOTES ===--- =================================== Tapping on this button will first create HyperNewt folders based on your current Notepad folder settings. Then, HyperNewt will add HyperNewt-specific folder information to each note, placing them in their proper HyperNewt folder (or into the root folder if unfiled). ======================================= ---=== 7B. REMOVE INFO TO NOTES ===--- ======================================= Tapping on this button will remove all HyperNewt-specific information from each note in the Notes soup. If you perform this process, HyperNewt will no longer be able to display any notes in the Notes soup because they will no longer have the HyperNewt folder information associated with them. You will have to tap on the "Add Info to Notes" button or the "Move Notes to Root" button to bring your notes back into the HyperNewt folder structure. ==================================== ---=== 7C. MOVE NOTES TO ROOT ===--- ==================================== Tappin on this button will move every note in the Notes soup to the root folder. =================================== ---=== 7D. REMOVE HYPERLINKS ===--- =================================== Tapping on this button will remove all HyperLinks from the Notepad soup. ================================= ---=== 7E. FIND LOST ITEMS ===--- ================================= If a restart occurs while dragging and dropping items from the clipboard, you may need to tap on this button to retrieve lost entries. HyperNewt will search for any items that were dragged to the clipboard and place them in the root folder. ============================= ---=== 7F. INFORMATION ===--- ============================= Tapping on this button will bring up a screen showing the number of items in the Notes soup and the number of directories in the HyperNewt Directory soup. It will also display the total size in kilobytes that the soups occupy. -------==============================================================------- ---=== 8. DEVELOPER API ===--- -------==============================================================------- The HyperNewt Developer API can be found in the file: api.txt. This file explains HyperNewt's HyperLink Manager API for supporting HyperLinks 3rd-party applications. -------==============================================================------- ---=== 9. TROUBLESHOOTING ===--- -------==============================================================------- Here are a list of problems that you might encounter while using HyperNewt: 1. Whenever I try to open HyperNewt, I get a -48204 error! We have received some reports of this problem and are actively trying to isolate the bug. The only solution that we can think of at this moment (September 1, 1997) is a hard reset of your Newton. 2. I can't tap on the filing button in the overview to move my selected items! There is a conflict with More Folders from StandAlone, Inc., right now that prevents the HyperNewt Move Dialog Box from opening. 3. Items are being duplicated in the recents popup! Foundation Systems has heard reports of this and is actively trying to determing the cause of the problem. 4. I can't create a HyperLink! Chances are, there is no HyperLink manager associated with this application. Contact the software publisher for creating a HyperLink manager for their program. 5. I get an error -48409 when I try to open HyperNewt! Have you installed HyperNewt 1.0? If so, you will have to delete the HyperNewt system preferences using a soup utility tool like TrashPak. 6. The overview doesn't hilite properly items that I tap on. We are working on resolving some screen glitch issues for a future version of HyperNewt. -------==============================================================------- ---=== 10. CONCLUSION ===--- -------==============================================================------- Copyright (c) 1997 Foundation Systems. All Rights Reserved. Please Note: Under U.S. and International copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Foundation Systems. Foundation Systems PO Box 2330 Stanford, CA 94309-2330 USA http://www.tow.com/ Newton, Newton Technology, Newton Works, the Newton, Inc. logo, the Newton Technology logo, the Light Bulb logo, and MessagePad are trademarks of Newton, Inc. and may be registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Other products and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Foundation Systems assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products.